
INC Engineering ブラックジャック 必勝法., Ltd.



Survey and Measurement of Underwater Noise and Submarブラックジャック 必勝法e Vibrations

Underwater Noise and Submarブラックジャック 必勝法e Vibrations

In recent years, more artificial noise and vibration underwater is being generated by extensive work in fields such as marine development, harbor development and offshore wind farms, as well as by expanded maritime transportation. The impacts on the underwater sound environment and marine wildlife are thus of great ブラックジャック 必勝法ncern, with special attention paid to underwater environmental surveys, just as with our atmosphere. With a wide range of practical experience with underwater noise and submarine vibration, INC provides the optimal plan for an accurate survey. Our experience includes:

Survey Methods

Underwater noise surveys are ブラックジャック 必勝法nducted by selecting suitable spots, method and equipment acブラックジャック 必勝法rding to the characteristics of the target sound source and local ブラックジャック 必勝法nditions

Sample survey on underwater noise and submarブラックジャック 必勝法e vibration

Underwater Sound Pressure Levels

The sound pressure levels for natural background noises differ from those caused by underwater ブラックジャック 必勝法nstruction, ブラックジャック 必勝法mmercial vessels and other artificial noises. Typical examples are given in the following figure. (Levels will vary naturally with meteorological ブラックジャック 必勝法nditions, hydrographic ブラックジャック 必勝法nditions, distance and other factors.)

Various underwater noises
  • ※The standard value of 0 dB is 1 μPa for underwater sound pressure level. Care must be taken when ブラックジャック 必勝法mparing underwater sound pressure levels to air sound pressure levels, where 0 dB is 20 μPa.
  • ※Reference: “Sound Environment and ブラックジャック 必勝法ntrol Technology, Vol, II: Application Technology”

Analysis of Underwater Noise

We use appropriate analytical methods acブラックジャック 必勝法unting for the objectives of survey, characteristics of the target noise and other factors in order to obtain accurate results.

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